Keynote 1

Title: V2X and Beyond: Integrating Roadside Units for Next-Level Cooperative Automated Driving

Friday, March 15, 2024, 9:10 AM - 10:00 AM

Speaker: Manabu Tsukada

Manabu Tsukada

Bio: Dr. Manabu Tsukada is currently an associate professor at the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo, Japan. He is also a designated associate professor at the Center for Embedded Computing Systems, Nagoya University, Japan. And He is a visiting professor at Aalto University from February 2021 to November 2021. He received his B.S. and M.S degrees from Keio University, Japan, in 2005 and 2007, respectively. He worked in IMARA Team, Inria, France, during his Ph.D. course and obtained his Ph.D. degree from Centre de Robotique, Mines ParisTech, France, in 2011. During his pre and postdoc research stages, he has participated in a multitude of international projects in the networked ITS area, such as GeoNet, ITSSv6, SCORE@F, CVIS, Nautilus6, or ANEMONE. He served as a board member of the WIDE Project 2014-2022. His research interests are mobility support for the next-generation Internet (IPv6), Internet audio-visual media, and communications for intelligent vehicles.

Abstract: As the frontier of vehicular technology continues to expand, the integration of cooperative systems, particularly through Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication and Roadside Perception Units (RSPUs), emerges as a pivotal force in redefining road safety, efficiency, and vehicular autonomy. This talk delves into the transformative potential of networked RSPUs in enhancing autonomous driving capabilities, underpinned by the robust foundation of V2X communication. It explores the innovative concept of infrastructure-assisted vehicular communication, spotlighting the pivotal role of RSPUs in facilitating cooperative perception – a critical component for achieving comprehensive situational awareness and bolstering the cooperative intelligent transport system (ITS). By harnessing the synergy of V2X and advanced middleware, such as AutowareV2X and AutoMCM, the discourse presents a comprehensive overview of the seamless integration of autonomous vehicles within the intelligent vehicular ecosystem. Through a series of rigorous field tests and simulation experiments, the talk showcases the efficacy of these advanced systems, highlighting their proficiency in delivering vital messages with minimal latency, even under challenging traffic conditions. Moreover, it underscores the significance of collective perception and maneuver coordination in optimizing vehicular operations, thereby paving the way for a future where autonomous vehicles and intelligent infrastructure coalesce to form a harmonious, safe, and highly efficient transportation network. The insights shared in this talk not only reflect a deep understanding of current technological advancements but also chart a course for future innovations in the realm of pervasive computing for vehicular systems.

Keynote 2- CANCELLED

Due to unforeseen personal circumstances, Ella Peltonen will unfortunately not be able to deliver the keynote address as scheduled. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

Title: Towards software-defined vehicles: from research to practice and back to the design board

Friday, March 15, 2024, 1:20 PM - 2:10 PM

Speaker: Ella Peltonen

Manabu Tsukada

Bio: Dr Ella Peltonen is an assistant professor at the University of Oulu, Finland. She gained her PhD at the University of Helsinki and did her postdoc period at the Insight Centre for Data Analytics, University College Cork, Ireland. In addition, she has undertaken research visits to University of California, Berkeley, US, University of Cambridge, UK, University College London, UK, and University of Melbourne, Australia. Her research focuses on pervasive computing, intelligent edge-cloud continuum, applied machine learning and artificial intelligence, and sensing data analytics in mobile and vehicular computing. Dr Peltonen has been granted Marc Weiser Best Paper Award in the IEEE PerCom 2015, Rising Stars in Networking and Communications 2017 by N2 Women, The European Initiative EPIC Grant 2018, and Nokia Foundation Jorma Ollila Grant 2018.

Abstract: With modern vehicles already becoming more and more computing objects than mechanical entities, software-defined vehicles have been dreamed to solve many connectivity and computing related challenges still existing in the automotive software community. These include, but are not limited, how to share resources, run open the air updates, orchestrate internal and external data management, and utilize all the capabilities future 5G and beyond edge-cloud infrastructure could offer. Apart from the visions, many pilots have been run both in-house and with public funding in the European level where focus is shifting to open-source solutions. With wide legacy of research on V2V, ad hoc networks, software defined networks, and many related topics, it would be imagined the software-defined paradigm for vehicles is just beyond the corner. However, when addressing 100+ years of industry, such a paradigm shift requires new levels of knowledge transfer and mutual understanding that can also lead us as computer scientists rethink our values and goals. This talk addresses some of the technical challenges but mainly discusses the whole concept of software-defined vehicles and vehicle-edge-cloud computing in a practical level with some hints of philosophy, economy, and human nature.